'True Blood' stars Paquin, Moyer tie the knot (AP)

LOS ANGELES - "True Blood" co-stars Anna Paquin  and Stephen Moyer have taken their true love to the altar.

The couple's publicists said in a statement the 28-year-old Paquin and 40-year-old Moyer were married Saturday night at a ceremony in Malibu, Calif., "surrounded by their family and friends."

On the hit HBO series, Paquin stars as Sookie Stackhouse, a Southern waitress who falls for vampire Bill Compton, played by Moyer. Compton is a Confederate veteran who was turned into a bloodsucker around the Civil War era.

Paquin also co-starred in the first three "X-Men" superhero movies and won a supporting-actress Academy Award at age 11 for 1993's "The Piano."
Par narnotu le jeudi 26 août 2010


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